Bug:46376 - " kmpio-0.7.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.Bug:46228 - " New ebuild: gtk-themes-h2o-gtk2-2.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.Bug:45907 - " sys-apps/cfnrename - a simple utility that allows you to easily rename multiple files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement.Bug:45276 - " Req: ebuild for state threads" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.Bug:44805 - " Ebuilds for Virtual Advanced Squad Leader" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement.Bug:44803 - " ebuild for the vassalengine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement.Bug:44801 - " ebuild for the vassalengine libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement.Bug:44706 - " media-sound/wxMusik (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.
Bug:41539 - " ebuild for pport (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.Bug:40560 - " sci-geosciences/thuban-1.0.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.Bug:40336 - " pyfort-8.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.`emerge undo`." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement Bug:40127 - " Third-Party Tool Request - Checkpointing and restoring packages states, e.g.
Bug:35535 - " `emerge sync` refactoring" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major.Bug:35484 - " Implement a reverse dependency tracker using LDD information and compare it against the run-time dependencies listed in the ebuild." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement.Bug:30095 - " revdep-rebuild wants to rebuild package providing lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.Bug:24135 - " Package reassignment: Steve Arnold (nerdboy)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.Bug:21527 - " net-misc/ntp: ntp-client init.d: default to `sntp` instead of `ntpdate`" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement.Bug:21509 - " Ability to cleanly stop emerging multiple packages after the current jobs complete." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.Bug:10735 - " sys-apps/portage or app-portage/gentoolkit - Feature request: Show dependencies in detail clarifying whether they are DEPEND, RDEPEND or PDEPEND as well as whether they are optional." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement.Bug:4315 - " add support for version ranges in DEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement.